SEXUAL FETISHES,DERANGED  PRACTICES, AND THE DEVIANT PURSUIT OF PLEASURE, cases, histories, stories and articles - a study

         Those of you who know me, and quite a few of you do, know that I have
amassed considerable information in this field of study. Fact is, I have quite enjoyed writing and collecting in this area - but also I have been driven
to understand why I am subject to certain fetishes.
           With much work, meditation and hypnosis, and endless sessions
with psychologists and psychiatrists, I have come to something of an understanding of my own irrepressible inclinations. Talented sex workers have also helped guide me, and their help has been as profound as the assistance of most of the doctors.
            The PURITAN ETHIC moralistically asserts that if we take pleasure in a thing, it is not to be taken seriously. Pleasure is something we should feel guilty about. And the study of pleasure is basically research that is beneath contempt.
Nothing can be farther from the truth. People are most vulnerable in their sex.
To study  human sexuality is to study the most profound area of
personal motivation, growth and psychological retardation.
              I am making the argument before this book is banned, rejected,
or I am subject to some form of arrest because of the collections which will be part of this text.                1

               At any rate I hope to have collected all the stories, writings and essays
and the actual case histories within six months so that a book of the above title will be for sale at
                  I have noticed an increasing censorship in the web. Many of the whipping scenes I have posted have been pulled.     1
                  The study of the infliction of pain is very much a part of the
the study of fetish, as most of you already know. If a person needs to be
whipped, or spanked, humiliated, or hit with surprising electric jolts
in tender body parts - so be it!
                 The fact that pain is involved does not make any scene
                    Enough said.
                     People of enormous talent are working in the fetish
field, and I wish to congratulate them for their integrity and courage
and exceptional artistry.



                                                      ©2015 by W.G. Milne