One good thing about having a hangover,
it's impossible to take yourself seriously
at such times.
I have a sense that something is gaining on me.
It's hard not to take that feeling seriously. The sense
that I'd better start running away fast
or I'll run smack dab into myself... This is not something
I want to do so early this morning.
I don't want to run into what I'm running
from, not before coffee.
I have a new mirror policy. I don't look in the mirror
until it's well after noon. Even then I do it
slowly and carefully. I try to keep my reflection
at a distance. I just give the mirror
quick glances and then I walk away in
the opposite direction. This way I avoid disturbing
I hear an engine revving in the
bush across from my bedroom window. Across
the dirt road I see blue smoke rising
into the overcast sky.
I clearly hear the sound of a V8 engine
revving from 7000 to 8000 RPM with the hood
removed... Clearly hear! Clearly I can't anything
else. My desk is reverberating. The fluid
in last night's tea has waves in it.... ripples
going off in all directions!
I've got to make coffee! No more talk!
I need stimulants to deal with this
ugly situation.
Blind Jimmy and his wrestler friend
Oh no, I see it's the Iceman! He is now out of jail.
His huge arms bulge as he lifts up the nose of the
car about a foot of the ground then drops it
to bounce in the dirt road parking area. The
engine screams as he does this.
He went to jail (for kidnapping
his own wife and keeping her in
a coat cupboard in the hall). They
were separated at the time. Now
she's rushing to find a lawyer
to get an uncontested divorce.
They've found a
V8 engine...they slowly
and dangerously inserted it into the carcass
of a TR6. Slowing they are bringing
the sports car back to life
Proof of life, in this instance,
is this huge cloud of smoke and howling sounds...
The noise is shocking in its
intensity and unbelievable decibel level.
What does he always do this
when I have a dreadful hangover? I'd
strangle the bastard if I weren't to sick
to move.
Why is life so unfair?
Why is life so unfair?
That's a good question to ask.
Just don't expect an answer!
I have an answer, not 'the' answer, but 'an' answer.
Buddha says, "Life is pain."
When life is painful, it seems unfair.
life is pain
So...why is life pain?
The reason life is pain...
with no pain, maybe we'd all fall asleep.
Pain wakes us up. We pay attention to
pain. We pay attention to what's around us when
we are in pain. Reality intensifies. Through pain we have awakening.
As Oscar Wild said, after leaving Reading Jail.
Suffering is not something we should avoid. "Suffering is revelation."
How's that for an answer?
Pretty good, but it's not satisfying
Pain is not satisfying. But through
pain there is awakening. No pain, no
Awakening. Awakening gives life it's meaning.
This is one explanation, one answer
to the question: "Why is life so unfair? Why do I have
to feel this pain... all alone... right now... why?
This is one answer, one explanation to a question which is rarely answered.
topdog and underdog
Fritz Perls
Fritz and his working partner, wife,
A 'gestalt' is basically an environment.
Let's say, a stage... the gestalt, then,
is everything that appears on that stage
at this moment.
The therapist in the now
sees the neurosis, the
actions taken to avoid contact with
the gestalt, with other people in the
gestalt (on the stage).
To simplify. gestalt therapy involves
analysis not of the past, but of how a person
relates to his/her environment in the present
moment --- how a person avoids contact...
with the present situation and the
people involved in it.
This therapy is based in the here
and now, and involves awareness in the here and now... This is why I like it... why I endorse this
I write about sports, about staying
in the now, staying in the zone.
The zone is the gestalt.
The therapist must know how
to be in the now and be secure enough in his
own being to be able to observe the interactions
of the persons around him.
Fritz Perls was one such
talented observer.
my situation
Speaking of myself --- To simplify things, I seem to move repeatedly between two personae.
(1) the apologetic schoolboy
(2) the ruler of the world.
The ruler of the world tends to have
grandiose thoughts and make megalomaniac
statements that are hard to bear.
The problem with what 'the ruler of the world's'
statements is - they are often right, deep and insightful...
but not always.
The apologetic schoolboy thinks all kinds
of negative thoughts. He says horrible things
to me, the type of thing that, if anybody else
said it, I'd want to attack that person.
But it's me saying such things to myself, so what
are my options?
The topdog is Freud's superego
Fritz Perls "topdog" is not the manic self.
Topdog is your parental statements, the 'SHOULDS"
of society and the SHOULDS of your parents.
Underdog is your rebellious nature,
refusing to do what the topdog tells him he should do.
Underdog is trying to survive all the shoulds,
the orders he gets from the societal and parental
The underdog often agrees with the
topdog about what 'should' be done. This is why
the underdog feels guilt when what 'should'
be done is not done.
The point of the therapy is to remove
or ease the neuroses through which
we avoid contact with others and avoid a working
relationship with society.
I am a bit of a hermit, so I suppose
I could use more therapy.
The underdog does not equal the depressed self.
It's not so serious!
empty vessel - my creative process
I'm not a medium, but the "empty vessel"
aspect of my being, which is sometimes the very
core of me... this enables me to
let different elements, feelings, emotions, REALITIES
pass through me.
The one thing I don't do and can't do and won't do
is judge what is coming to be into reality
through the empty host, through the cage of my ribs.
So when a song comes - whether tender
or a flaming message to burn down the house - whether a
passionate melody or a song that cooks so hard
that I just gotta dance I simply do not
judge what deserves to come into being.
As a result, I sometimes see
some truly horrendous entities writhing
on the table in front of me.
I have to just let such things
pass into the agony of their own existence.
I do not own such things and I don't attempt
to collect them, for the most part...
The truly beautiful passages,
I keep. Sometimes I have created them,
and sometimes passages come to me
fully formed.
Many spiritual passages come to me
fully formed, already created; I know I have
not written them. It's difficult to claim
a copyright on such things, because they are not
The reason I am saying this -
an unbelievable diversity of passages
will show up in the pages I
publish on the internet.
I ask you not to judge me because
of this diversity. I have warned you about
what's going on (maybe not enough).
I use the different sites
when I write, to warn you ahead of what kind
of subject is coming your way -
- something that will bore the piss out
of you, or something that is coming
from an ultra-religious bent that is very
extreme at some times.
Or a passage that is coming from
an extreme sexual mania - something that
is truly offensive to others, in retrospect
I am an
empty vessel. And this is my integrity.
It's also the reason I REALLY NEED
p.s.:Hypersexuality is one the aspects of mania.
* * *
the nature of evil
After a lot of thought about the
nature of EVIL, and after a large number
of ugly experiences, I have come to
this definition.
When we see things we think of as 'evil'
often these things are twisted or deformed.
Because evil is a mocking of reality.
Evil is a secondary force. It does not
create. It mocks. It twists.
But it is a secondary force. It is
important to remember this. It does not
create the universe in its beauty. It mocks
reality. It mocks what is.
"Evil is the negation of what is."
This statement appears to be very simple,
even simplistic. But it covers a lot
of ground.
It ties in with Father David Belyea's
I don't pretend to know all the permutations
of how these statements interrelate.
The One Who Is Creating all things
creates both darkness and light, rage and hate,
sex, fecundity and the drying of leaves in the
The Creating One does not mock,
or tell ontological lies
* * *
One day after I wrote about, "Why is life unfair? Why is there pain?
ReplyDeleteI was hit with a gout attack in my right knee - it hit with real violence. I was feeling agony... during extreme pain, you don't think about awakening, you just think, "Get me through this!" Still awakening is related to pain, at the very least mental anguish is necessary... we feel a need to find our way out of the
conundrum. While enduring agony, not so much...