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Most of the articles in the above noted book can be found in my various blogs.The problem is, I have about 20 blogs so it takes time to assemble and bring the various thoughts in this area to full coherence. This is what I have done in this e-book/kindle in which I have put some of my best articles.
The above book is a work in progress, however, and I'll be adding more to it. Presently there are four more completed articles I intend to add. I'll funnel them through the Gnostic Gospels group, before I add them to the book cited above. (At least this was my original plan...)
The major Gnostic
(earliest Christian) Gospels
discovered at Nag Hammadi in 1945 are:
"The Gospel of Thomas,
the Gospel of Phillip,
The Gospel of Mary,
The Gospel of Truth...."
and other fragments.
Because most of the Gospel of Mary has been lost or destroyed, I like to include "The Thunder, Perfect Mind" well as the Gospel of Mary. As these are words, in this magnificent scripture/poem, that come from the female Godhead. I attribute these words to Mary.
* * *
THE GNOSTIC GOSPELS GROUP on Facebook (Walker Ballantine site)
I want to welcome new members to this group. I have been a bit lax
and I have not channelled all the recent work on the earliest Christian
gospels through this site.
The good news is I've done a lot on the Gnostic Gospels recently,
have written a lot of text on the subject on my blogger site,
Roving Reporter Rants, I also have a blogger
sites The Second Coming of Christ, Ancient Gospel Found Anew;
and also, The Whip And The Cross - a site that discusses the
major split between the spirit and the flesh in our culture.
I'll begin to channel these articles through this Gnostic Gospels
group. As you know, "Gnosis" is knowledge. The aim of the earliest
Christian/Gnostics was to pass through a Knowing or Realization
experience (a Christian enlightenment experience) in order
to know your your ultimate identity.
Referring to the seeker after light, once he Knows, Christ
"And he shall be as I am, and I shall be he, and the hidden things will
be revealed to him."
This process referred to by the saviour in the Gospel of Thomas...
it is a very different process than the system that has come down
to us through the organized churches.
The Gnostics were mystics from the start and not always
very sociable... they were concerned with the path
back to the Father, the soul finding the highest aeon,
which was the soul's original home.
Their quest was the real deal. The Gnostic
Quest is in essence the Grail Quest.
The search was for the Foundation Experience
in which man unites with God, a search costing
not less than everything.
It is a path of ego annihilation. But there is some
comfort to be had - the less ego you have, the more
you see.
When you are nothing, you are one with
the All. This is a joyous way to be.
Quest is in essence the Grail Quest.
The search was for the Foundation Experience
in which man unites with God, a search costing
not less than everything.
It is a path of ego annihilation. But there is some
comfort to be had - the less ego you have, the more
you see.
When you are nothing, you are one with
the All. This is a joyous way to be.
The vision I was given while doing the Clifftop Writings was that - the discovery of these earliest Gospels, especially the source Gospel, the Gospel of Thomas - would cause such a dawn of the real Mind of Christ
among us that we will be able to actually say,
" He has come again".
For the Consciousness that is Christ has
come again and it is enlivening the Spirit
throughout our lands.
The fire that is the burning of Christ Consciousness is burning across the tree-top
synapses of the internet and the growth towards Realization is happening fast.
I am talking about the Great Liberation,
the Foundation Experience. Yes, it is happening
just as the vision said it would happen. Various minds and various people are picking up the torch, and are becoming alight themselves.
It is a beautiful sight to see and it is taking the responsibility from my shoulders.
We see the pink fingers of the dawn coming.
So fare forward, all you beautiful dreamers,
we travel beyond the horizon!
(C) 1980 to 2015 by W.G.Milne
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