Thursday, October 31, 2013



            Once again I encounter the same old
problem, none of the priests or ministers I know
has tried to tackle. And there is tremendous guilt
          I am talking about the love of sex
and the love of God.

           So we get all these examples of preachers,
genuine men (mostly men) who swear their love
for our Lord in Heaven on Sunday morning,
but find themselves crawling down a sidewalk
on all fours chasing an attractive set of buttocks
on Wednesday night.
          Or kneeling in a darkened room staring
through one-way glass, as a hooker he has 
hired strips and exposes herself... on the other
side of the glass... and masturbating.
           And then we get intense weeping
sessions some months later, "I HAVE SINNED!"
And the sessions are quite moving
the preacher prostrates himself
and gets the whole congregation
to pray with him.
            These are the honest preachers, I'm
talking about.

            With others, I suppose, it's worse.
The ones who cannot admit what they are
doing even to themselves...
            They must live in hell.Not so much
because of the sex, I hope, but because
of the lying false front they put on -
the hypocrisy - pretending one thing
and doing another.
              It's important to remember,
the Lord of Hosts,Y H W H. Yahweh was
originally worshipped by mankind as a fertility
God - for the warm salty sacred rain
that inseminated between the furroughs of
the fields.
              There is nothing new in this
thinking. God originally was sex, fertility:
so there's nothing wrong with sex -
instead it's a matter of sanctification
and focus - and if that sounds vague
to you, that's O.K. It sounds pretty
vague to me also.

              So there need not be this
major rift - this, "I'm ashamed. I'm so guilty"
versus, "I am pure and beyond fault."
              Perhaps there are some activities
that should divide the human psyche
in this very way - but sex ought not to be
one of them.
             What sex is is an easy tool, an
easy fall guy, an easy way to manipulate
men and women, and make us feel shame.


              It is easiest to make a group of people
pay protection money for their sexual activities.
For there is already an element of shame. It's
easy to stir up guilt in this ballpark... whether
guilt is appropriate or not.

              A dog feels no shame as he humps your leg;
he's just in a hurry, that's all.
               But we would feel shame doing the same
thing in public - why I'm not so sure. Maybe we're
just afraid of looking ridiculous...

               So.... how to heal this SPLIT. How
to make ourselves whole?
                This rift between the flesh and the spirit.
                 This split between man and God

                Right this second my mind is blank
I don't have any answers.
                 But I think it's important to put
the question out to you people - is this important?
Or do we enjoy watching the torture so
many ministers and priests go through?
                 To be honest with you, I do enjoy
watching the drama these guys go through
over purity, sex and sin. You have to admit,
it is entertaining!
                   And we all have the same drama
inside us - to a certain extent. I mean. everyone
who has been brought up through this
particular regime of Christianity - we all have
this basic drama.

                  When we  revive the original nature
of the Eucharist, I am certain
we will find this whole display I am discussing -
we'll find it incredibly silly.
                   I refer you to Robert Graves' book,
"What the centaurs ate. Or the introduction to
his two volume set: "The Greek Myths" . Or
best of all - read the Endnotes.
                    Also, read John Marco Allegro's
essays on early Christian religion.
                     When the priest or the Christ
said: "Eat this - this is my body.  Drink this,
this is my blood," he wasn't talking about
a tasteless wafer, or empty wine!

                     The churches know this. And the
Catholic Church definitely knows this - with
all the ancient sacred texts it still holds and
represses in the vaults of the extensive library
of the Vatican.
                     The sacred mushroom was
an essential part of the Eucharist from the beginning.
That was the bread - that is the body of Christ,
this is what helps us to attain Christ Consciousness.
                      Everybody knows this!  All
the priests, yet they deny and deny. Why?
                        The issue is control - population
control, and financial control.         
                                               The issue is also political control

            We've been hoodwinked! The problem
isn't really flesh vs spirit... The issue is:


           Are we not adults? Are we not allowed
an adult Eucharist?
            No, the priests prefer to treat us
as children. They are the father and the flock
is his children.
             Well, you have seen what priests
in the past have done to children. They've
done it to us, too! We've been screwed!

              There is a force on this Earth
that does not want us to be fully
                Fully conscious beings -
they are the worst consumers!  Why is
this? Conscious beings... and by this I mean
right now, those of us who partake of
Christ Consciousness... there is very little
we need to buy.
                 We are already one with the
Universe and the Father who is creating it.
How can we ever be deceived?


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Saturday, October 26, 2013


 An Aside:
Note: The following is an aside or a further
         which is not part of any gospel.    

                     I won't pretend to know what was
meant by that utterance. I have some
ideas,but I'll re-think and share
them later.
           All I can think of now is -
there is a total ego death
when Realization comes to a person.
In that sense, a person's particular
ego is annihilated when he comes
to realize the ground of his being,
which is Christ.... (if you think in Christian
             If you are Buddhist and you
realize your ultimate identity, and
you say, "Finally it has happened to
me, after years of trying ...
I have come to satori.... I realize
what I am... I am part of the one
suchness... I am Buddha, and I have
always been Buddha:  "Between
heaven and earth, I alone am!"
                If you say such things
in the East, people congratulate
you.... They say, finally you have
got it. Your life will not be so
constrained anymore....
               In the West, our western
culture, if you say: "I know my
ultimate Identity! I have Realized.
I am Christ! They're going to put
you in the booby hatch - by that I mean,
put you in an asylum.
               I've been there. I know.
But not for quite the same reason.

               The fact of the matter is,
however, that when you have read
the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of
Philip, and the Gospel of Truth....
you'll see - the earliest form of the
two religions are not that different.
        When you hear Christ state:
"I shall be as he is, and he shall be me,
and the hidden things will
be revealed to him..." (Gospel of Thomas)
   You'll see there's a basic similarity.... 
And that is not so surprising.  Buddhist
monks were in the middle east, when Jesus
Christ (or the Essene "Teacher of Righteousness")
was teaching. He was aware of Buddhist principles.

        There may be many paths to the top of the
mountain, but there is only
one Truth, when you get there.
          There is only One Ultimate Consciousness
on this our earth, probably only one in the
Universe itself, and that is the mind of
the mortal being who Realizes Mind and becomes
a beautiful reflection, a mirror image
of the Mind of the One Who Is Creating Us...
and then you have stepped into the mirrored
Bridal Chamber... and that is joy, bliss,
heaven ----  because you are one with God.

         Meister Eckhart: "The eye with which
you see God is the same eye with which God sees
you. It is a situation of reflection,
a  knowledge of total acceptance
and love in your Home, which is the ground
of your Being, your new Identity."
           Ultimate Realization is a change of identity!

             OK, these things must be experienced; they
cannot be explained.  And you sound like
a fool and an idiot, as soon as you
attempt explanation.
             One tries to share and show generosity,
but every true Teacher knows, when you attempt
to explain, you just appear idiotic, and you
lead someone else into misconception...

              So I must stop talking. Let's get
back to the words of Jesus Christ, as expressed
by the Gospel of Thomas, but changed and
re-written somewhat at Temple's Gate.

No comments:

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013


Friday, October 25, 2013

             The thing is... and I want to be honest, the place
we're stepping into is too pristine to be soiled...
the thing was... I thought I was writing the 
New Testament.
       A number of my friends knew this, and I guess most of
them wrote me off... as having finally stepped over
that Edge I had been working all my life.
        Most of them, I suppose, believed I meant it,
and they figured: "Oh well, this is a quirk, likely in time 
he'll get over it... and even if he doesn't he's fun
to be with... he's just a bit mad, that's all.
        Others, I suppose, thought I was a full-blown
psychotic and getting dangerous to be around.
And they weren't entirely wrong either.

         The problem I was having on my own is this:
 I knew I hadn't written some of this  material. And I truly
believed it was the Lord of Hosts who was filling 
in the blanks when a text stumped me.
         Because that's how it happened... I'd follow
a text along until the text went into an
overly complicated doublethink... that no
one would be able to get through, or at least
that I couldn't.
          And I'd sit on the edge of the cliff,
my spine straight, and let my mind clear,
let the internal Eternal River Ganges
wash all thoughts clean... I truly
became the empty vessel.
          Twenty or so minutes later (I had
no sense of time during moments like that)
I'd look at the text again... and as I
looked once more closely at the text
the clouds would open and the sun would blaze
down upon the pages and I'd start to write.
          When I felt the holy Presence,
I went back to work... and my hand flowed
and His Hand wrote... and some time
later I'd put the book down.
           I'd  return from the City of the ancient words,
the primordial  City which was becoming
the future  Holy City on a hill. The
two times merged into One Present time,
as they always do when one is deep
in meditation.
           The ancient was redeemed by the new,
and the new was washed clean by these
ancient words of Truth.
           Ancient Jerusalem was becoming
New Jerusalem, and the bells were ringing
in the mind of God;  and some kind
of glory was taking place around me.
The sky opened and the angels were singing.
            There were times when I was
afraid to take my eyes from the page
of the book, and look around me. I was
afraid of what I would become.

        The blanks that He filled in were 
sometimes three pages long.  Once again I'll say it! 


        These days we  know that many writers have
had the experience of channelling. This event
I was experiencing was somewhat similar. Except I
was channelling  I AM THAT I AM
 Our Father Who Art In Heaven,
the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, the God of
Albion and the Americas, the Lord of the Meeting
Rivers, Yahweh, Jehovah, JAH, the Great One who
rules the clouds and who speaks to us with total
Knowledge and understanding.
        This One was who I was "channelling"
kneeling half-naked on the granite of the Laurentian
Shield, getting cuts on my knees and hands, the
One who was speaking through me was 
The One Who Is Creating Us. There was no doubt
at all about that.
          The experience was too much for my young
mind and my unbalanced sense of self,
my grandiose self-esteem and my utter lack of

         It occurred to me as I grew older and
more balanced and mature: there are too many
"my" words in the above paragraph, and other
paragraphs like it.
         Whatever was going on, it had very little
to do with me. For I know what I am. I am an empty
vessel - who is highly trained in literature and law.
I am told the Japanese have a saying: 


          That's what I was: the perfect host, the empty
vessel,  the flute the wind could
 play a note through, the bell that was rung 
by the Lord of Hosts.

           And, of course, some days I was not.
When you see the text start to repeat itself
too much... when the words are repeated in a 
manic and obsessional way, that was me
           When the same point is made
three times over, that is what I wrote alone.
The record was on skip.
           I guess someday someone
is going to have to edit this  manuscript.
           If so. it is important that that person not be
a person from any particular sect - a person
with a religious chip on his or her
shoulder. Or, worse, an agent of the old
Empire church with a mission to
supress. A mission to suppress the Truth 
and change it to  statements which are comfortable,
easily lucrative, and convenient.

           Enough about me! I no longer
feel that dreadful seriousness I was feeling
a few days ago.
           This stuff is not about me; it is for you
to decide what it is...

          The other night I got up on stage and
I sang some of the songs I had not sung
for fiteen years.
          The crowd's applause was not just
applause. It turned to cheering...
 I realized these people liked
me more than I liked myself. 
          And it was all about them, 
these people who listened,
not about me. They were the
ones who would carry the song and let it fly.
These are the people -  you are the people
 who will carry the dream.

            So I feel much lighter about
this whole situation... about continuing to release 
some of the words  which passed through me 
up at the cliff top of the hut.
These are the words that were 
written at Temple's Gate.

 And so:

The poet said: "Lord, you are the Christ, 
the  Anointed One, the True One of God,
I love you. I think I am beginning to
Jesus said: "And yet you shall deny
The poet said: "I am not Peter."
Jesus said: "Are you not? You are
only a common man, that is why I
teach thee, because of your simplicity.
Peter was not unlike thee."
The poet said: "Help me, Lord. Help 
me, Father, to see."
Jesus said: "I am helping thee. Soon
you will know Me. But there will be
days when you will wish to forget
I exist. There will be days when
others will ask you if you saw Me.
And you will deny Me."
The poet said: "Lord, that is not true."
Jesus said: "Time alone will reveal
what you shall be."
The poet said: "I will not deny Thee."
Jesus said: "Then take up my cross.
I think it will be somewhat heavy
for thee. At least do this: write what
I say to you faithfully. Then you will
have done all I ask of thee. Yet if
you truly are one of the courageous
ones, you will see Me."
The poet said: "Lord that is what I
Jesus said: Only so may a man be free.
By shouldering the ultimate responsibility
and learning to be his own Authority. For
all true Authority comes from Me. Yet
I am what you are. There is no need to
travel far to see Me. Look upon the
Living One while you live, learn this
secret, and death will not come to


         Reading the words the True One
spoke, and knowing the appreciation
of friends... I am moved to tears. 
I am so thankful.
         A weight has been lifted 
from my shoulders. I am 
so very grateful.

                                      (C)2013 by William G. Milne
                                       Text is not to be duplicated

Monday, October 14, 2013



             Many years ago I had a Realization in Christ
which made no sense to me.
      I knew it was the ultimate Realization, the one
we search for all over the earth. Whether we have
the realization in terms of Buddha or Christ, in Hindu
terms or in terms of Islam, the characteristics and content
of the Realization remain the same.
        The Realization is what takes the timeless out of time,
and in that place of timelessness, which also can be
called the eternal present, or the dream time.
It is in this eternal present, when grounded in it, that our minds can travel to that secret place within us, which is
a shrine. This place is where completion exists. And in completion, we can overcome the problems of desire, desire which has been called the enemy of the soul.

        Two thousand years after the death of Christ, these new
gospels are found, gospels which rip away the veil
of secrecy and deceit.
         2,000 years after the death of our Master,
Christ Consciousness arises again with the discovery
of the most ancient of gospels at Nag Hammadi, Egypt,
in 1945.
         I see no coincidence in this. This is what was
meant to be, as was promised us. Two thousand years
after His death, the Mind of Christ arises again
in the ultimate truth which is clearly expressed in
the Gospel of Thomas.

         When I had that Realization in Christ, I had no
idea what it meant. We are just not prepared
for ultimate Realization in the Americas, because we 
don't know it exists.
          As a result we don't search this experience
of the Grail, because we don't know it exists.
In our religious history, there is no preparation for the
discovery of such an experience, except in the most
oblique sense.
          The path to ultimate Realization has been
obscured, hence we don't seek for it.
We don't know such an experience of the True One of
the universe exists. 
           So when someone makes the discovery, he
does not rejoice as he ought to - rather he is confused.
           This situation of obscurity we must change:
so that a young  person who is on the path does not feel
he is going through a nervous breakdown when he makes
the ultimate discovery and has the experience
which will change everything in his life,
including his identity.
           It's our job to put signposts along the way, the way
which we did not know existed until the Second Coming
which began in 1945, when the early gospels
were found in Egypt.
           Our work is just beginning now, for now is the
time of the new heaven and earth which has been
promised us.
                          I had to go to a Buddhist temple in order to
understand what had happened to me in Christ. Do we
want our young people to have to go through
such an indirect journey? I think not.





                Why My Sense of Urgency Was Extreme                  ___________________________________             

        When I started waking up, things were different
than they are now. There was no internet and prejudice
and narrow thinking were winning  the day. In fact, narrow thinking had won the day. In North America, we were in an
impossible position.
       Britain and Europe were in an impossible position, too.
         We were on the wrong path and It was 
difficult for people to find the right path.We
were living in drought conditions - there was
a real dearth of information in the
popular mind.

          I remember very well the day, when I was
nineteen,and at the University of Toronto.
I walked in to Emmanuel College library, which
was a good quiet place to study and read.
          I got up to stretch my legs. I walked
over to a tall narrow window which overlooked
the grass of the quad in the inner part of
Victoria College.
          There, without really looking for it,I found
a thin dusty hardcover book, black and unread
and stashed away between bigger books
 on a non popular part of the library.
          I pulled the thin dusty old unread volume
out and I read the small letters on the
cover. On the cover, it said:  "The Gospel
of Thomas."

         No one had heard of the Gospel of Thomas -
and the way things were going, no one
was going to hear about The Gospel of Thomas.
The suppression of information had already

          Imagine how you`d feel, yourself, if on your
own you discovered an unknown Gospel -
a gospel discovered in 1945. But no one had
spoken of it in 25 years!

         Well, I flipped!
         The next day, I did the only logical thing:  I got up early, had a good shower, ate nothing, dressed all in white and took a strong stimulant to clear my mind.
        I sat on the grass outside
the library, watched the sun rise and
went into the library.
         The library was open early and the lights were
on. I went straight to the thin dusty
volume and reverently took it off the shelf.

         The sun shone on the desk and I felt
a warm glow as the room brightened up
 when I sat in that old
stone library by myself that morning.
         I opened the Gospel of Thomas and I began
to read.
         The opening phrase all alone on the first page was:


        That`s quite an opening, I think you`ll
           O.K., those of you who have
had the experience of light suddenly filling a
room in a golden glow, you can
imagine my reaction, starting almost to levitate
in that old stone chapel....
          The stone walled library was starting
to feel ancient. 
           The words I was reading were ancient.
            The next words I read were:


            My God! What I was reading had little
to do with the Christianity I had been taught!
            It appeared to me that everything I had
been taught about the words of Christ was wrong.
Not only was what I had been taught wrong, it was
errant nonsense.
             First of all I was amazed. A new
truth was revealing itself to me - and this truth
was the most ancient truth of all.
             As the sun was dawning through
 the old leaded glass windows, I read. And
these were the words of CHRIST!


         I saw the hand of God in this. How could
I not have... There I was, a young man, versed
in law and literature, and learning how to write
        I took the narrow dusty black volume
with me, I walked out onto the grass illuminated by
the early morning sun. I had the Gospel of Thomas
in my pack sack.
          I got down on my knees, dressed all in white,
my body cleansed and having fasted for twelve hours
I put my forehead into the grass countless times.
And I gave thanks to our Lord of hosts,
the Lord who rides the clouds and rules the heavens,
the Lord of the meeting rivers, for revealing this
for revealing this truth to me.
         Again and again, I abased myself, praying,
kneeling, again and again pressing my forehead
into the grass. I remember saying the Lord`s
Prayer out loud . I remember hearing my
voice echoing against the walls of the stone
 buildings of the quad.

         Classes were not to begin for another
hour and a half. I remember seeing Northrop Frye
walking by, with papers for his morning lecture.
I remember he was observing me quite closely
as he passed.
         He walked into old Victoria College.
He opened the heavy wooden door, and then
was gone.

        This is why you hear the sense of urgency
in my voice sometimes as I write.
         I thought this new ancient truth was
on the verge of being suppressed again,
so I started making copies of this gospel,
found at Nag Hammadi 1945.
         I remember re-writing the Gospel of
Thomas and making a drama out of it.
In the drama, God talked to the poet
and to the Christ. It was a three way
conversation.  And I thought it
was actually happening.
        Even to this day, I`m sure
the conversation actually happened.
Go ahead, call me crazy as a bedbug!"
Others have.
        I made about thirty
copies of the gospel and the
dramatic short book that emerged
out it, as I examined the text.
          I placed copies of it in about
thirty places throughout Ontario -
just in case the bastards tried to stamp
the Revelation out again.

            Needless to say, my life changed
from that point on - and the more deeply
I read the gospel, the more my life
             I stopped eating and I focused.
I drank water and I focused on the gospel.

            Then I did the only logical thing I could
think to do. I drove two hundred and fifty miles north of Toronto.
            I started walking through the bush and getting 
 the feel  of most of the hilltops surrounding Trout Lake,
to the East of the City of North Bay.
            I walked for miles and
miles in the bush, climbing hills.
 I was looking for a place of power.
            I found one - I found a place 
that felt just right.
            It was on the top of 150 foot  granite cliff. 

             I started cutting down  small hilltop oak trees. 
I cut down about fifty of them.
            I discovered they were too heavy
to move by myself. So  I went to the Sturgeon Falls Burrough`s livestock auction.
            I bought a big young black workhorse at the
auction.  I had to coax the horse up to narrow goatpath
to the top of the cliff. The horse helped me drag the logs to
the site atop the face of the cliff.
             I hired three men. Between the four of us,
we were just able to lift one 14 foot log. That oak
is heavy wood; it`s also holy wood, I was thinking.
            In two months, the hut was built.
It had a desk, a bed, a wood stove, two
windows with wooden shutters. The hut was twelve
feet by fourteen feet. with a tar roof and plank floor.
It was just big enough.
            I read the Gospel of Thomas carefully,
over the months and I rewrote the whole thing, not
changing the message,but making a drama out of it.
          I lived there all  through the winter,
with the screaming wind up over the cliff, and the
snow and the ice and the northern lights.
          There was no electricity, and no way to drive
there. I just had oil lamps and no radio. It was
silent and beautiful - just the place to work
on a gospel that had been deceitfully hidden
from our Christian world and kept out of our Bible.

         I didn`t know what other people thought of
me and I didn`t much care. I didn`t share
with very many people what I was doing up there.



           I propose to start sharing what was written on that cliff top with you. I'm putting a copyright on it in order to protect the text on the internet, and so I can derive a living out
what I  have done.
           I want to make one thing clear, however. I physically
sat on the cliff top and wrote these words down, but many of the words passed through me, as light suffused
 the place I was sitting.
           Often I found I was understanding only the top
of the page, but my hand was writing the bottom of the
page. My understanding had not reached the bottom
of the page.
            Later I would understand what was written on the
bottom of the page.
             What I am saying is this: though I am putting down
a copyright on this page to protect the text, I did not
write all of this text.
              When I was confused, exhausted and I couldn't
finish a sentence, another Hand finished the sentences
for me. I was reading, after all, the original Gospel and I
wasn't entrusted to do the whole task.
              Our Father in Heaven finished many of these
pages for me, and if you don't think such a thing is possible,
I have to say you are mistaken.
              I would not have had the courage to write
some of the contents of this text. You don't have to
believe me in this, but I know what has happened,
and I have been shown what is true.

              For many years I have been afraid to
publish this text. I was afraid for my own life.
Now I'm older and I realize this is not about me.
              It is about all you people in the world
who will carry the dream.