If these were my last words to you, I`d say, "Forget
everything else! Get to the ISSUE! Learn how to turn
your mind to Mind. Learn how it happens that identity
becomes Identity.
This is how we begin to get there.Check it out.
When I talk of the Transcendentalists,first I mean the American Transcendentalists(Emerson, Whitman and Thoreau ). We had all that wit and wisdom in our own back yard, always, we just didn`t know it.
"In your back yard is the true Benares."
These guys wrote of how to get beyond
the ego and death.
And there are others, from earlier times and from other places.... men who knew what was in the ground of our Being also.
Emerson`s statement: "There is one mind common
to all individual men."
Each person can enter into this mind we all share. Jung`s Collective
Unconscious is not far off. This is the kind of thinking and non-thinking I`m pointing at, if these were my last words...
There is no question Walt Whitman passed
through a complete knowing experience in order to write
the secrets and the hints and the pointings at mysteries
which pervade Leaves of Grass .
The very image, "leaves of grass" is an
image of transcendence.
When I speak of transcendence, I`m talking about
a thinking that goes beyond the narrow view of one ego,
a knowing that goes beyond death - "transcending" the
ego and death... speaking of vision that
arises from the foundation experience.
"We are too late for the gods, but too early for Being."*
"All is flux"..." you can`t step into the same river twice."**
This is the kind of mind I`m talking about.
Hindu philosophy speaks constantly of transcendence,
that which allows us to see beyond death.
The flowering tree in your garden - the galaxies in the midnight skies, the golden spiral unfolding - "That thou art." ***
The Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita...these works
speak of transcendence beyond all else.
Truly these works are the mountaintops of human
vision - words emanating from Mind.But you don`t
need a priest to teach you this stuff, all you need
is a hand pointing the way to these works ,
and a few suggestions about how to get there,
to the place of definitions. You
can apprehend God yourself, for divinity is
within you.
Buddha`s work towards and in satori...His is a mind
that most definitely attained Mind...all the expressions
about Buddhahood are expressions dealing with capital "M" Mind.
Attaining Buddhahood, attaining satori...that which
comes when you stop achieving, this is the clearest expression of attaining Mind.
In the west, we have to start speaking in terms of
"attaining Christ Consciousness."
Gospel of Thomas
(If these are "my last words" I`m talking too much!)
Christ, when he says, "BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM."
This is transcendence, pure and simple.
Christ, a word which means "Anointed One", and the
anointed one is the One whose mind is Mind.
It is in tasting the Mind of Christ that I had my realization,
tasting a Mind that really never dies...communing with a Mind that
transcends death.
How to have this most basic Realization -
this is the ISSUE
Realizing the Mind within, this is how
we Know the Eternal.
How vision becomes Vision - this is the ISSUE!
Forget about whether Christ was God or human!
Clearly he was both! As we all are both!
I can hear people screaming "blasphemy!" Just
as they did in His time.
Screw blasphemy! We all partake of the divine nature
The Nature of the One Who Is Creating Us - this is our birthright! Even as partially dying is our birthright.In so far as our mind has become Mind, we don`t die!
(p.s: When I say `mind` I also mean: heart-mind,
mind-soul... we don`t have the precise word for it
in English)
This shit is simple! The assholes make it sound
Mind beyond thought. Mind is
born out of the Vision of the eternal ones.
And the eternal ones exist. And we are meant to
join them.
First we must get our thinking out of all
the squabbles and property line disputes
that occupy too much of human thinking...
Get your mind out of the bullshit!
Sex is something else we are just beginning to know and that religion gives us problems with. The sexual revolution is not over; the sexual revolution has scarcely begun!
Screw guilt! Guilt is how they control you! THEY MAKE YOU WEAK AND INDECISIVE - AND THEN THEY
They call the early Christians "gnostics". Because
the early Christians emphasize Knowing. That`s
because Christ emphasized Knowing!
Get it into your head! There is no discussion
here. There is no one in doubt here.
Do you recognize this voice? (Jesus Christ,
I`m starting to sound like Santa! That`s because
I am Santa!)
The method? What`s the method. Let the river-like mind
clear when sitting, focus on the Mindshocks, sayings of total
paradox. Eat lightly. Wear clean clothes. Honour the sacred plants.
Most of all it is focusing on the burning question within you.
Coleridge`s mind touches upon it... and many other
people poets and mystics. Hell, we need a SCHOOL FOR MYSTICS! I`m only half joking when I write about the
School For Mystics!
What I encourage you to get at is the EXPERIENCE itself... the movement into Knowing, when your mind starts becoming Mind and you begin to taste the Eternal.
The eggshell ego implodes and what remains is:
This is the nature of reality. It`s a phrase I`m proud of.
There is also:
But I didn`t write that one - that one`s the voice
of the burning bush.
Philosophers and mystics, bodhisattvas and
saints all take a very similar journey. THE LONGEST
"farthest beyond yet so closely within that we wonder the ship in its sailing" (from poem called,"Home")
I`m talking about the transitory nature of life
and I`m quoting myself...there`s humour in that
A friend of mine from years ago wrote
the following words for a calypso song:
"You`ve got to die in your mind; you`ve
got to do it right. If you want to live in Paradise!"
All along he knew what he was talking about! (R.Elaschuk) ****
The ISSUE is accessing transcendental vision What the School For Mystics is all about. Look for that infinite taste of time
beyond time - that place the archetypes come
from, that ancient city we have all experienced...
You know - that sense of deja vu we have in certain
places - the feeling that we have been there or some
place very similar before. Well, you likely have!
When you know the fact that people`s minds travel without them - not just what we call Extra Sensory Perception,but dying people can visit you in your dreams,
the very moment they are dying!
When some one close to us has been injured or is in deep trouble, we know it from thousands of miles away, no problem.
Also, I`m not sure how this works, but there
appear to be Conscious Ones who live in some place beyond birth or death...
As I say, I`m not sure of the mechanics of this - once upon a time I suppose they were called angels.
The world is full of mysteries we are just beginning to know the shape of...we haven`t gotten to the heart of them at all.We don`t even know what water is, though we can decribe it as H20, and it tastes good
when we drink it. But what IS it?
There is one Ultimate
Knowing experience.All over the world there are different
names for the same experience... there are
many paths to get there, but everywhere the experience
is the same
You come out of it feeling: "I know all there is to know...And I know nothing!"
I can`t explain the mechanics of the implosion
experience. Afterwards you are stunned and shocked.
And and after that, joy comes.
The Foundation Experience is what takes
you beyond birth an death.
We can`t trust the damn christians these days!
That Path has been so screwed up by church
lies and political manipulations... that the way to the holy
city within has been obscured. "They had the keys to the
Kingdom and they did not enter, nor did they permit
anyone else to enter."
Many of the ministers tend just to repeat
the same old lies, not so much out of malevolence -
but because they haven`t had the necessary adventurous
spirit to step beyond the village gates and see for
The holy city - the pure land - the promised land, the
Paradise within - This is the place we seek, the place pilgrims used to journey to...all this has been screwed up so badly in christian thinking that`s it`s a damn shame.
OK, once again the ISSUE is how to taste the Eternal,
the paradise promised us by the early teacher saints.
My realization took place in Christian terms, so that`s lucky. I can talk of these things...in ancient Christian terms...the Chrism -
realizing the Christ within, as mind become Mind.
BUT I was totally psychologically unprepared for the
Experience I had!
Because the Way has been obscured for Western Civilization - Canada, America, and Europe - we`ve all been given erroneous teachings!
We hardly know the Journey exists, the quest for
what is real, the quest for the holy Grail.
I`m not going to rant about this again. But we need
a Christian Path of Initiation, with signposts along the way for the poor bastards who come to Realization in the
modern demi-christian world.
But the ISSUE, again, is the search for
the intersection of the timeless with time (T.S. Eliot).
He calls this search the "occupation of the saint"
And he`s right.
There is a saint in all of us.
"When meditating on the shining lake within,
the mind of the common man becomes the Mind of the
This is the Quest, this is the Chalice
we seek, this point of integration, of unity with the earth
and the skies, the place where ego death is achieved.
And the Grace of Vision is given us and we enter the
eternal Mind.
If I were going to croak tomorrow and I had one last sentence to say to you, I`d say, "LOOK HERE.
Check out the ISSUE. BE YOUR OWN MYSTIC - see that place where your eye becomes the Eye of the One Who Is
Creating Us.
When your mind tastes the Mind of the
vast beginning-less realms, the vast death-less
realms...you`ll know exactly what I`m talking about.
This is the quest of the Steppenwolf,
the journey of Siddartha - this is the HIGHWAY
OF THE BIKER SAINTS, the ones truly born to
be wild.
The Mind that said this knew what he was talking about.
This is the focus of the ones who work at the Edge.
The ones who know the way to the pure land
within, the land that is promised us.
How do we solve the ISSUE?
We read the words. Then we forget the words. We`ve got to unlearn everything we have been taught. Local `culture` is not your friend. It will imprison you.
Taste the raw fibre of reality reaching towards
your with beatific patience. Read and forget.
Forget and then see some more - catch the glimpse
of the smile in the glorious appearance of things....
Matter is not unconscious, matter is the Chapel of the Black Hand, where we shed all in the "Dark Night of the Soul."
It all comes together here...the "dream time", this Time beyond time - the Eternal Present - this Infinity
beyond time and space...
It`s all here, once you get beyond the lies.
The ISSUE - what the mystics search for by focusing sitting still - what the thinkers think of when the thinking stops...
When small mind dies and becomes Mind, and when Mind drinks of eternal skies
All the words do a circle dance into the Word...
After the thinking stops, we see what is unspeakably beautiful and profane...
both at the same time.
"The timeless place, there the dance is"... we dance
to a silent symphony, the silent music of the spheres,
the music of God.
Get to the ISSUE itself! Find your true occupation - taking the timeless out of time. The universe is a constant birthing.
(C)2013 by William G. Milne